One Solution
One Price

per timecard
appr. $22 per user / month


There is one edition of Lucid: the current, complete, best edition. We continuously improve Lucid. There are no periodic version upgrades to pay for or cause disruption.

We charge per timecard submitted so you only pay for what you use. There are no user licenses to juggle.

We love startups! We love the ethos of taking a risk on an idea and being resourceful. We offer startups deferred billing for up to a year. We choose to believe that you will win that contract!

phone icon Support

Your subscription includes unmetered support. We're reasonable if you are. We expect to do the following for you:

  • program custom templates for invoices, timecards and various reports
  • write ad hoc database queries (SQL). More… It is inevitable that your particular analyses will require particular data out of Lucid. We will get you the data of out Lucid that you need. If your analysis recurs (e.g. a monthly status report) then we will build a report in Lucid that you can run for yourself.
  • assist with bulk updates so you don't have to update records one-by-one
  • match the import/export formats of your other systems. More… The typical case is where one of your systems will accept a flat file (CSV) so long as the columns match up. We will make Lucid export data compatibly. We will also make Lucid import the files that your other systems export.
  • open API endpoints for your systems integrator. More… Our integration support policy is cash and carry. We support you up to the borders of Lucid but to delve into the APIs of your other systems we charge our hourly rate.
  • not to mention, answer your questions!

In addition, we may be able to help you with programming tasks unrelated to Lucid at our hourly rate.

Feature Requests

We do our best to accomodate feature requests at no additional charge. They have motivated Lucid's organic improvement over time. Our test is whether the feature:

  1. directly applies to our core mission of billing
  2. would be useful to our clients in general

clipboard icon Setup

We can deploy an instance of Lucid for you in about an hour. It will be accessible at You and your employees may experiment with Lucid. We can reset the database when you're ready for production.

We can probably help you migrate legacy data. We evaluate migration on a case-by-case basis because the effort required varies fantastically. It depends on the state and accessibility of the legacy data.


Training via video conference is included. For a fee, we can send a representative to you during launch. As much as everyone has adapted to video conferencing, nothing beats being there in person.

We believe in small-group training because:

What one engineer can do in one hour, two engineers can do in two hours.

Fred Brooks

Most users only need to learn how to submit their timecards. The timecard editor is intuitive; most users just get it or can self-teach from the online documentation.

Users may attend training in batches of about a dozen people. Each batch receives a demonstration, an opportunity to ask questions and login verification. Supervisors stay on a few minutes longer to learn how to review timecards.

Administrators receive additional training in their areas:

  • onboarding users
  • creating projects
  • billing
  • payroll

Cross-training is a good idea. Training tends to happen in two passes. The first pass is official orientation. The second pass unofficially happens when invoices go out for the first time. We'll be standing by 😎

Custom Development

Large companies with established processes may require custom development at launch. We require you to commit to a subscription before we do custom development.

We believe in iteration. See what Lucid can do out-of-the-box. Then let us quickly put a rough draft of customizations in front of you. We'll confirm that we're on the same page (or fail fast and try again). Then we'll incorporate your comments to produce the final draft.